We see you, juggling those work emails while singing nursery rhymes and planning tomorrow's lunches... and we GET IT.
It's easy to fall into the guilt trap—feeling like you're not spending enough quality time with your kids or not giving your career the attention it deserves. But take a deep breath; you're not alone, and there are ways to find an equilibrium or at least get closer to achieving it!
In this blog post we're sharing five totally doable tips to help you navigate the cho...
Fostering - a shortcut to parenting or an act of selfless love?
We're in awe of Lorinda - cancer survivor, mum to the gorgeous Henry, and creative extraordinaire at HappyPlay Company.
For this episode of Mama Let's Talk, Donna has a chat with Lorinda to learn about the period in her life when blogging was her therapy and how creativity gives her an outlet for those dark days. Through '3 Happy Things' and the way she approaches her own struggles, she teaches the rest of us how to find the positive in every day.
For the series MAMA LET'S TALK, Donna has a chat with Ira Losco about her off-stage role as mum to Harry and baby Gigi.
Who is mummy Ira? How does she find time for her art? What prompted her to be so vocal about the importance of perinatal mental health? Is Harry a fan of her singing? Be sure to check it out!
For the series MAMA LET'S TALK, Donna meets warrior mama Amy Camilleri Zahra, to talk about life as a parent with a disability, why lack of accessibility frustrates her, and how she advocates the importance of parental mental health.
For the series MAMA LET'S TALK, Donna chats with Melissa from @theislandmumma to learn about her experience as a mum of three, the daily challenges and why she learnt to accept help.
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