Amongst the truly exceptional brands found at My Favourite Things, we stumbled upon PlanToys and fell in love. It's not just about the impeccable aesthetic - this brand comes with a purposeĀ and a history. Read on to learn all about why MyMama LOVES PlanToys...Ā
Back in 1981, seven university graduates came together with a shared desire to infuse the world with positivity! Vitool Viraponsavan, one of the strongest voices of the group, went on to establish PlanToys and has been inspiring children and families wor...
Screen time - yay or nay? What about the importance of reading to our baby?
In the second part of our interview with Speech and Language Pathologist Christina Gauci, we also talk multilingual familiesĀ where family members areĀ speaking more than one language with the children - how does this change the process of speech and language development?
Donna also asks Christina the questions that our followers sent in. Thank you Christina for a super-informative session!
Donna chats with Speech and Language Pathologist Christina Gauci on the topic of speech and language development in early childhood.
In the first part of our interview, we have a look at the milestones that we should keep track of, how we can encourage speech and language development (since before birth!) and in which cases we should consult with a professional. We also discuss the link between chewing during weaning and speech development.
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