€5,00 EUR

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 *spots are limited to 60 couples. Bookings are confirmed against a fee of Eur5 per couple (you can choose to attend with your partner, friend or family member, or attend on your own). 


Join us on Sunday 29th October 2023 to learn about: 

  • Nutrition during pregnancy & the postpartum period - by FLEUR BUGEJA (nutritionist)

  • First aid for infants - by DEBORAH GATT (first aid instructor)

  • Feeding baby - what you need to know - by GISELLE CURMI (midwife & lactation consultant)

  • Baby care essentials - by REBECCA GAUCI BORDA (midwife)

  • Preparing your hospital bag - by CATRIONA GRECH (midwife) and Mothercare staff