Gestational diabetes and your diet during pregnancy


As if expectant mamas don't have enough to worry about, add a type of diabetes that can make an appearance during pregnancy!

During a webinar on gestational diabetes led by Ilona Pulis, a registered dietitian, various topics were discussed to help individuals better understand and manage this condition. Ilona highlighted that gestational diabetes is becoming increasingly common among pregnant women, with statistics showing a significant rise in the number of cases in the last decade and a a higher-than-average incidence in Malta and Gozo.

The webinar covered several important topics related to gestational diabetes, including the screening a...


Pelvic Floor & Core Health during pregnancy & postpartum


Pelvic floor & core health is a topic many mamas only hear about only when issues start cropping up!

Pregnancy and birth (both vaginal and caesarean) can put stress on and damage the pelvic floor and our core muscles. So, if you are planning to have a baby, you’re pregnant or you’ve had a baby (or a few), now is an especially important time to pay attention to those muscles down south!

On the 30th July 2021 we joined forces with Belly Bandit at My Favourite Things, to organise a live webinar led by leading women's health physiotherapist Carolyn Sultana. We LOVED Carolyn's insights and enjoyed each minute of this informative webinar.

Check ...


MyMama LOVES - Linea MammaBaby Sun Protection Range


Sun safety is on every parent's mind once the temperatures start soaring!

We read confusing and often conflicting advice about how we should be keeping our little ones safe in the sun.  On the 13th of July 2021 we teamed up with  My Favourite Things and the sun protection range by Linea MammaBaby to bring you this FREE webinar where dermatologist Dr. Liam Mercieca spoke about how we can keep our kids safe from the harmful effects of the sun, and parents asked questions related to the topic. 

You can watch the webinar here if you missed the live event!

About the Linea MammaBaby Sun Protection Range

Babies and children's skin is fragile a...


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